Category Archives: Dietary Advice

How to Treat Low Thyroid Hormone Naturally and Effectively

How to Treat Low Thyroid Hormone Naturally and Effectively

Over 70 million prescriptions are written for thyroid medications in the USA alone every year. Low thyroid hormone symptoms most often include fatigue, cold sensitivity, constipation, dry skin, and How to Treat Low Thyroid Hormone Naturallyunexplained weight gain. It can also include depression, memory issues, infertility, hair loss, high cholesterol, and other conditions.

Many of us have had one or more of those conditions at one time or other, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have low thyroid hormone levels, but it is always good to investigate and treat if necessary. Here we are going to talk about the true causes of an under-active thyroid and you can help in a natural and effective manor. Continue reading

Fungal and Candida Overgrowth

Fungal and Candida Overgrowth

Fungal and Candida overgrowth

Fungal and Candida overgrowth

Most people have often heard of a yeast or candida overgrowth, which are both types of fungal overgrowths. Most people know of the common types of fungal infections including Jock Itch, Athlete’s Foot, Ringworm, Thrush, or Yeast Infections. These are all fairly easy to detect because of their outward symptoms. But what about systemic fungal overgrowths that don’t necessarily cause an outward mark, but wreak havoc in your body?

People who have ever lived in a moist environment, been in a building which has had water damage, taken an antibiotic, or been in a sexual relationship with anyone that has, there is a good chance you have a fungal overgrowth. Continue reading

Food Allergy vs Food Sensitivity

Food Allergy vs Food Sensitivity vs Food Intolerance

Food Sensitivity

Food Allergy vs Food Sensitivity

I’ve had many patients and friends ask me the simple question, “What’s the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity”? With a short glance many just assume they are the same thing. But there is actually a difference, a big one.

When the term food allergy is said the images of a person’s throat closing after eating a peanut, or a rash some children get after eating strawberries come to mind. A food allergy can be caused by even the smallest amount of eating, or exposure to a food. Sensitivities often have less noticeable symptoms, but are just as destructive.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment

Do you often have abdominal pain or discomfort, diarrhea or constipation, an urgency to go, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatmentand similar symptoms in your digestive tract? If so there’s a good chance you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Doing a self-diagnosis on WebMD or seeing a doctor who tells you that you have IBS doesn’t really help though, since there are no traditional ways to treat IBS. What if I told you that IBS can be easily fixed? You’d be thrilled, right? I have to warn you though, IBS treatment may involve dietary and lifestyle changes. But, if you can accomplish this, you make IBS a thing of the past!

We’ll be talking about some of the major causes of IBS and how you can naturally treat IBS. Continue reading

Nightshades & Toxicity: Are “Healthy” vegetables poisoning you?

Nightshades and Solanine Toxicity Syndrome

What do tomatoes, potatoes (not sweet potato), eggplant, paprika, goji berries, peppers (not your common black and white peppercorns), tobacco, and tomatillos all have in common? Most people would consider them all as healthy foods, which should be eaten daily, correct? But what if I told you they all contained a dangerous neuro-toxin called alpha-solanine.

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