Tag Archives: health

Nightshades & Toxicity: Are “Healthy” vegetables poisoning you?

Nightshades and Solanine Toxicity Syndrome

What do tomatoes, potatoes (not sweet potato), eggplant, paprika, goji berries, peppers (not your common black and white peppercorns), tobacco, and tomatillos all have in common? Most people would consider them all as healthy foods, which should be eaten daily, correct? But what if I told you they all contained a dangerous neuro-toxin called alpha-solanine.

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I don’t think that anyone reading this can say that they’ve never suffered from fatigue at one point or another. If you’re a college student during finals week sleeping 3-5 hours per night, or a parent with a newborn and/or sick child, a professional athlete playing a physically stressful sport in a new city each day, or any man or woman who works a busy schedule with possibly a little too much work and not enough rest. Sometimes we know why we have the fatigue from not enough sleep or too much work. Other times we have no clue why we are feeling tired. The real question is, “HOW DO I FIX IT?!?”


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